SUNDAY, March 9, 2025

Title: How to Live out Your Christian Identity
Peter shows how a person with a Christian Identity can live through the greatest of challenges if they know who they are and how they should live.
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-2:3
Sermon Time: 10:30am
Speaker: Dr. David Lane
Peter shows how a person with a Christian Identity can live through the greatest of challenges if they know who they are and how they should live.
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:13-2:3
Sermon Time: 10:30am
Speaker: Dr. David Lane

Sunday, March 9:
Sunday Morning Challenge Winners Pizza Party: After Morning Worship, Fellowship Hall.
Women on Mission: 4pm Room 220
Discipleship Training: 5pm. Nursery Provided.
Children's Bible Skills & Choir: 5pm Room 413, in JBC Daycare Hall.
Sunday Morning Challenge Winners Pizza Party: After Morning Worship, Fellowship Hall.
Women on Mission: 4pm Room 220
Discipleship Training: 5pm. Nursery Provided.
Children's Bible Skills & Choir: 5pm Room 413, in JBC Daycare Hall.

3rd Grade won!!! There will be a Pizza Party for them Sunday, March 9 after Morning Worship.

Tuesday, March 11 @ 10am. Luck of the Irish. Irish Stew will be served. Dr. David Lane will be speaking.
Crusade: March 16-19. Denham Springs High School. 7pm Nightly.

All are welcome to attend. See Mr. Gene Kinchen for more information.

Save the Date! Volunteer Sign up sheet at the welcome desk, click the link below or talk to Travis Smith. Pick up a basket or bag of eggs to fill with candy and return.

Contact the Church Office if you wish to participate.
Sign up for Centri Fuge Youth Camp now! $75 Deposit Now due. Total cost $360. June 2-6. Pineville, LA.

VBS 2025: June 16-20 8:30am-12noon.
If you are interested in working in VBS contact: Gayla Isom (Younger Children-772-5874) Lida Sullivan (Older Children-485-9386) Dawn Theriot (Walkers-931-8877). To help with decorations see Kasi Thomas.
VBS T-Shirts: See Bro. Robbie.
VBS Workday: Saturday, March 15 at 10am. See Kasi Thomas for more details.
VBS Workers Meeting: Sunday, March 23 after Morning Worship. Lunch will be provided.
If you are interested in working in VBS contact: Gayla Isom (Younger Children-772-5874) Lida Sullivan (Older Children-485-9386) Dawn Theriot (Walkers-931-8877). To help with decorations see Kasi Thomas.
VBS T-Shirts: See Bro. Robbie.
VBS Workday: Saturday, March 15 at 10am. See Kasi Thomas for more details.
VBS Workers Meeting: Sunday, March 23 after Morning Worship. Lunch will be provided.

Thank you for thinking of us during our grieving time. We appreciate your kind acts of service, whether you cooked us a meal, held our hand, or offered your shoulder for us to lean on. All were needed and "right on time". We appreciate you and all you have done. ---The Galloway Family.

Nursery Volunteer Schedule:
March 9: Red Group
March 16: Orange Group
Lightning Bugs Volunteer Schedule:
March 9: Red Group
March 16: Orange Group
Glow Kids Volunteer Schedule:
March 9: Team Langenstein
March 16: Team Isom/Theriot
March 9: Red Group
March 16: Orange Group
Lightning Bugs Volunteer Schedule:
March 9: Red Group
March 16: Orange Group
Glow Kids Volunteer Schedule:
March 9: Team Langenstein
March 16: Team Isom/Theriot
AWANA: Wednesday, March 12 & 26.
NO AWANA: March 19-Livingston GO Tell Crusade.
AWANA Grand Prix: April 2.
NO AWANA: March 19-Livingston GO Tell Crusade.
AWANA Grand Prix: April 2.
March Deacons: Chuck Autrey & Gene Kinchen
Financial Report
4th Quarter
Income: $242,643.45
Expenses: $208,417.84
Income: $242,643.45
Expenses: $208,417.84
There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the plate, or in the boxes in the foyer.
By mail: 32470 Walker Rd North, Walker, LA 70785
Give online:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the plate, or in the boxes in the foyer.
By mail: 32470 Walker Rd North, Walker, LA 70785
Give online:
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