SUNDAY, March 2, 2025

Title: How Long is "a short time"?
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6
Sermon Time: 10:30am
Speaker:  Rev. Travis Achord
Sunday, March 2:
Faith in Action: GO Tell Outreach: Noon-3:30pm
Currently Open for JBC Members.  Call 225-664-2657 or email for more information.  
VBS Training: Saturday, March 8: 8am-3pm at Greenwell Springs Baptist. Fee: $10, includes lunch.  Signup Deadline: March 5-See Bro. Robbie for more information.
Tuesday, March 11 @ 10am.  Luck of the Irish.  Irish Stew will be served.  Dr. David Lane will be speaking.  
Crusade: March 16-19. Denham Springs High School.  7pm Nightly.
Save the Date!  Volunteer Sign up sheet at the welcome desk. 
Sign up for Centri Fuge Youth Camp now!  $75 Deposit Now due.  Total cost $360.  June 2-6.  Pineville, LA. 
Centri-Kid: July 23-27 Grades 3-5. Cost: $395.  Timber Creek Camp, Pulaski, MS. See Bro. Robbie for more info.  
VBS 2025: June 16-20  8:30am-12noon.   If you are interested in working in VBS contact: Gayla Isom (Younger Children-772-5874)  Lida Sullivan (Older Children-485-9386) Dawn Theriot (Walkers-931-8877). To help with decorations see Kasi Thomas. 
VBS T-Shirts: $10 Order before March 5.  After 3/5 the price will increase.  
VBS Workday: Saturday, March 15 at 10am.  See Kasi Thomas for more details.
Nursery Volunteer Schedule:  
March 2: Gray Group
March 9: Red Group

Lightning Bugs Volunteer Schedule:
March 2: Gray Group
March 9: Red Group

Glow Kids Volunteer Schedule: 
March 2: Team Autrey
March 9: Team Langenstein
NO AWANA: Wednesday, March 5.  
March Deacons: Chuck Autrey & Gene Kinchen

Financial Report

4th Quarter
Income:     $242,643.45
Expenses: $208,417.84


There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the plate, or in the boxes in the foyer.
By mail: 32470 Walker Rd North, Walker, LA  70785
Give online: 




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