SUNDAY, April 28, 2024

Title: When You Are in a Pit . . . Is God?
Sermon Time: 10:30am
Scripture Reference: Genesis 37
Speaker: Dr. David Lane
Sermon Time: 10:30am
Scripture Reference: Genesis 37
Speaker: Dr. David Lane

Business Meeting following Worship, Sunday April 28.
Women on Mission Sunday, April 28 at 4pm in Room 220.
Women on Mission Sunday, April 28 at 4pm in Room 220.

Please meditate on 1 Timothy 3:8-13 as you prayerfully consider nominating up to 5 men. Nomination forms are at the Welcome Desk. Nominations will be taken up in the service on Sunday, May 5.

Travis Achord, Fellowship Hall

10AM Women: Prayer/Bible Study- Rm 220
6PM AWANA Children-Sanctuary
6PM Men’s Bible Study-Rm 211
6PM Ladies’ Bible Study-Rm 209B
6PM Genesis Bible Study-Youth Hall
6:15PM Youth Worship-Sanctuary
6:15PM Youth Parents’ Bible Study-Sanctuary
7:15PM College & Career - Back parking lot house
6PM AWANA Children-Sanctuary
6PM Men’s Bible Study-Rm 211
6PM Ladies’ Bible Study-Rm 209B
6PM Genesis Bible Study-Youth Hall
6:15PM Youth Worship-Sanctuary
6:15PM Youth Parents’ Bible Study-Sanctuary
7:15PM College & Career - Back parking lot house

VBS: Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School June 17-21
If you are interested in serving, contact the following:
Younger Children, Gayla Isom
Older Children, Kristy Robinson
Robbie Isom, Children's Minister
VBS Worker Meeting: Sunday, May 19 at 4pm.
VBS Walker Meeting: Sunday, June 9 at 4pm.
If you are interested in serving, contact the following:
Younger Children, Gayla Isom
Older Children, Kristy Robinson
Robbie Isom, Children's Minister
VBS Worker Meeting: Sunday, May 19 at 4pm.
VBS Walker Meeting: Sunday, June 9 at 4pm.

Yesterday's Youth Tuesday, May 14 at 10am
Chicken Dinner Fundraiser Sunday, May 19 after worship
Now What? Young Adult Conference June 1, 2024
Chicken Dinner Fundraiser Sunday, May 19 after worship
Now What? Young Adult Conference June 1, 2024

Glow Kids Worship: Ages 1st - 5th Grade.
Glow Kids Worship meets on Sunday mornings during worship in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions about Glow Kids, please contact our Children's Minister, Robbie Isom.
Glow Kids Volunteer Schedule:
April 28-Team Autrey
May 5-Team Sevario
Kindergarten Grad Recognition, May 5.
***If you have a student who will graduate Kindergarten, let Robbie know so they can be included***
Lightning Bugs Worship: Ages 4 & 5 year-olds.
Lightning Bugs meet on Sunday Mornings after Sunday school, during Worship in the Nursery Wing. If you have any questions about Lightning Bugs, please contact our Lightning Bugs Coordinator, Sarah Beth Rushing.
Lightning Bugs Volunteer Schedule:
April 28: Blue Group
May 5: Purple Group
Glow Kids Worship meets on Sunday mornings during worship in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions about Glow Kids, please contact our Children's Minister, Robbie Isom.
Glow Kids Volunteer Schedule:
April 28-Team Autrey
May 5-Team Sevario
Kindergarten Grad Recognition, May 5.
***If you have a student who will graduate Kindergarten, let Robbie know so they can be included***
Lightning Bugs Worship: Ages 4 & 5 year-olds.
Lightning Bugs meet on Sunday Mornings after Sunday school, during Worship in the Nursery Wing. If you have any questions about Lightning Bugs, please contact our Lightning Bugs Coordinator, Sarah Beth Rushing.
Lightning Bugs Volunteer Schedule:
April 28: Blue Group
May 5: Purple Group

AWANA Clubs: Ages 4 yrs - 5th grade.
See our Children's Minister, Robbie Isom for more information.
Last Night of AWANA until the fall: May 1.
See our Children's Minister, Robbie Isom for more information.
Last Night of AWANA until the fall: May 1.

Nursery Volunteer Schedule:
April: 28: Blue Group
May 5: Purple Group
If you have any questions about volunteering or anything nursery related, contact our Nursery Coordinator, Lynn Swetledge (225) 603-2447.
April: 28: Blue Group
May 5: Purple Group
If you have any questions about volunteering or anything nursery related, contact our Nursery Coordinator, Lynn Swetledge (225) 603-2447.

See our youth website for more Youth info!
Senior Recognition, May 5. If you would like to participate, please contact Bro. Cody.
May 1: Fields of Faith-Denham Springs High School
May 8: Incoming 6th Graders are welcome at Youth Night
For any questions regarding JBC Youth, see our Youth Pastor, Cody Wilson.
225-572-1304 /
Senior Recognition, May 5. If you would like to participate, please contact Bro. Cody.
May 1: Fields of Faith-Denham Springs High School
May 8: Incoming 6th Graders are welcome at Youth Night
For any questions regarding JBC Youth, see our Youth Pastor, Cody Wilson.
225-572-1304 /

WHO? 18-25 year-olds.
WHERE? Parsonage House in the back of the church parking lot.
WHEN? Sundays @ 9:15AM & Wednesdays @7:15PM
Join us the second Sunday of each month for Lunch with the Bunch!
For any questions regarding college and career, contact Bro. Travis Achord.
Now What? Young Adult Conference June 1, 2024
WHERE? Parsonage House in the back of the church parking lot.
WHEN? Sundays @ 9:15AM & Wednesdays @7:15PM
Join us the second Sunday of each month for Lunch with the Bunch!
For any questions regarding college and career, contact Bro. Travis Achord.
Now What? Young Adult Conference June 1, 2024

Dr. David Lane, Pastor
Robbie Isom, Children’s Pastor
Cody Wilson, Youth Pastor
Ken Spivey, Music Minister
Dr. David Lane, Pastor
Robbie Isom, Children’s Pastor
Cody Wilson, Youth Pastor
Ken Spivey, Music Minister
APRIL DEACONS: Darrin Carlton & Anthony Schiro
May Deacons: Ronald Kimble & Bryan Jones
May Deacons: Ronald Kimble & Bryan Jones
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering: Goal $15,000. Collected to date is $10,826.55
Financial Report
Year Ending 2023
Income: $768,334.86
Expenses: $715,250.34
Income: $768,334.86
Expenses: $715,250.34
We appreciate your continued giving. There are 3 ways that you can give:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the plate, or in the boxes in the foyer.
By mail: 32470 Walker Rd North, Walker, LA 70785
Give online:
In person on Sundays, you can place your offering in the plate, or in the boxes in the foyer.
By mail: 32470 Walker Rd North, Walker, LA 70785
Give online:
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