
D-Groups are small groups that meet for a pre-determined short period of time, based on the number of weeks the study was created for. Belonging to a D-Group brings opportunities to grow in community with others and  have a deep rooted, unwavering faith in Christ.
"They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on
rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because
it was well built." Luke 6:48

Disciples Path 

Progressional D-Groups //
Beginning - August 18th from 5:00 – 6:15 PM //
(while children are in choir, nursery also provided)

Small Group Discipleship
The Disciples Path builds community where believers are
discipled by an experienced disciple-maker in a small group
for 5 to 6 week sessions over the course of 1 1/2 to 2 years.
Intentional Discipleship
The Disciples Path is an intentional pathway for
transformational discipleship and a way followers of Christ
move from new disciples to mature disciple-makers.
Foundational Discipleship
The Disciples Path complements the Judson Sunday
morning and Wednesday night plan of systematically going
though the Bible by systematically developing spiritual
disciplines and theological consistency in our church family.

D-Group Leaders

Children's Choir and Nursery also provided

Ladies D-Group 
Room -
Led by Lea Anne

Mens D-Group
Room -
Led by Travis Achord

Co-ed D-Group
Room -
Led by Pastor David

Room -
Led by Cody Wilson
Children's Choir grades PreK4 -5th grade
Room - 413 (green building)
Directed by Hannah Swetledge

Nursery ages 0-3
Room - 404 (green building)
Directed by Lynn Swetledge

Digging Deeper

Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:15 PM During the school year. 
(Nursery Provided. During Kids Awana Bible club & Youth Community Nights )

1. Learn how to study through the Bible while digging in and pulling life-changing truth
out of any passage of Scripture.
2. Develop a method called 3/3 for how any believer can disciple other believers in
one-on-one or small group settings using a simple disciple-making method.
3. Have an opportunity to take the passage of scripture from the previous Sunday and
go to the next level of understanding and application.*
Digging Deeper is designed so that:
1. A new person can come in at anytime without having been to the previous week or
to Church on Sunday.
2. Anyone who was at church the previous Sunday will have an opportunity to further
apply what they have learned to their life and help others to do the same.*
3. You can systematically build a Biblical foundation from the Bible to be ready for all
God calls you to do and to face in life.
*Digging Deeper (3/3 Discipleship) fits in with Judson’s overall discipleship plan to build
a foundation on the Word of God by systematically going through the Bible as a church
body. Members are introduced to a Bible passage in their Life Group (Sunday School
Class), challenged to apply it in Sunday Morning Worship, and then can be discipled
while learning to disciple others on Wednesday night through Digging Deeper (3/3
Ladies D-Group 
Room -

Mens D-Group
Room -

Youth Community Night
Meet in the Sanctuary for Youth Worship then Small Groups.
Youth Pastor - Cody Wilson
Kids Awana Bible Club 
PreK3-5th Grade
Check in at the Foyer (red)

Ages 0-3
Room - 404 (green building)
Directed by Lynn Swetledge


Small Groups that meet continuously throughout the year. There is a place for all stages of life!